lundi 7 mars 2016

Melasti Zeremonie

Melasti Zeremonie
Melasti Zeremonie ist ein Hindu-religiöse Zeremonie Bhuana Alit (kleine Welt) und Bhuana Agung (das Universum) zu reinigen. Diese Zeremonie wird mit einer Parade geführt, gefolgt von tausenden von Hindu Menschen, indem sie alle Geräte Zeremonien zu bringen und das Symbol der Götter auf das Meer oder anderen Wasserquellen , die von Hindus als Ort angenommen wird, dass alle Elemente dieses Universums zu reinigen. Die üblichen Symbole der Götter zum Meer gebracht sind Keris, Speere, Banner (Umbul-Umbul), Statuen, Barong usw. Diese Prozession eine der einzigartigen Hindu Zeremonien ist, wo die Prozession von Tausenden von Hindus gefolgt wurde, die die Kleidung und andere tragen Zubehör in weiß, die Reinheit anzuzeigen.

Melasti in seminyak beach.... very nice.

Melasti Ceremony

Melasti Ceremony is a Hindu religious ceremony to purify Bhuana Alit (small world) andBhuana Agung (the universe). This ceremony is performed with a parade procession followed by thousand of Hindu people by bringing all the equipment ceremonies and the symbol of gods to the sea or other water sources that are believed by Hindus as a place to purify all the elements of this universe. The usual symbols of gods brought to the sea are Keris, spears, banners (Umbul-umbul), statues, Barong etc. This procession is one of the unique Hindu ceremonies where the procession was followed by thousands of Hindus who wear the clothes and other accessories in white to indicate the purity.

jeudi 3 mars 2016

mardi 1 mars 2016

Villa Celina Bali ... eine Reise nach Ubud

Ubud ist das kulturelle Herz von Bali. Die Hauptstadt der Künste ist geblieben, bis heute, sowohl die Wiege der Traditionen und Erfüllungsort balinesischen kreative Praktiken. Also hier können Sie Leistungen von Wayang Kulit, Theater oder Tanz teilnehmen, entdecken Sie den Reichtum der Geschichte der indonesischen Kunst in den Museen von Ubud und stellen Ihnen die örtliche Handwerk Maler, Bildhauer und Goldschmiede zitiert.

Villa Celina Bali.... un détour sur UBUD/

Un hotel sur Ubud

Très agréable.

Ubud est le cœur culturel de Bali. Cette capitale des arts est restée, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, à la fois le berceau des traditions et le lieu d’épanouissement des pratiques créatives balinaises. C’est donc ici que vous pourrez assister à des représentations de wayang kulit, de théâtre ou de danse, découvrir la richesse de l’histoire de l’art indonésienne dans les nombreux musées d’Ubud et vous initier à l’artisanat local aux cotés des peintres, sculpteurs et orfèvres. 

vendredi 26 février 2016

lundi 22 février 2016

As an effort to avoid for Zika virus to enter Bali island

As an effort to avoid for Zika virus to enter Bali island, the Medical Department of Bali Province has activated surveillance measures to detect the virus in advance.
Bali is aware of how to detect the virus due to its similarity with Dengue in the way it is spread which is through Aedes Aegypti mosquito.
Bali is one of the five areas with a high amount of dengue cases during 2015 in Indonesia.
According to the Head of the Medical Department of Bali, Doctor Ketut Surabaya, the surveillance will focus on Bali’s four main entrances by setting up thermal scanners there.
The scanners will be placed to check body temperatures of passengers entering the arrivals.
Thermal scanner will project colours to the monitor and if it generates high temperature on passengers (>38 Celsius degree), it will set off the alarm.
If anyone who is suspected of carrying the Zika virus from the thermal scanner images, further examination will be undertaken at the harbour medical office.
If anyone is found to be carrying the virus, s/he will be escorted to the isolation room at Sanglah Hospital for tests and further checking by the doctor and medical staff.
“This is similar to what we did when previous infectious virus emerged in other countries, for instance is SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), as we know that Bali is a highly visited destination. We will commence the tight detection and prevention by activating the surveillance at Bali's entrances,” explained Ketut Suarjaya when contacted by Tribun Bali in Denpasar.

For information, the illness caused by zika virus has had outbreaks in South America with most cases in Brazil. According to WHO (World’s Health Organisation), cited by the Indonesian Health Ministry, as per the second week in 2016 there had been 3,893 zika virus cases, with a death toll of 49 to date.
The Ministry of Health admitted the zika virus has been found in Indonesia in 2015, which was suffered by a patient in Jambi. Initially, the patient was diagnosed of having dengue, as the symptoms of zika virus illness are very similar to dengue.

However, Ketut Suarjaya stated the surveillance should be able to prevent the virus entering Bali as there have been a high number of the thermal scanners deployed to many health senators as well as technicians to monitor the scanners.
