mercredi 9 mars 2016


La magie de NYEPI !! Une fois dans l'année, c'est la journée de silence donc interdiction de sortir dans les rues, il faut rester chez soi en ne faisant aucun bruit et ne pas allumer les lumières (tout à la bougie), 
Et il y a des gardes qui parcourent les rues afin de veiller à ce que les consignes soient bien respectées.

mardi 8 mars 2016

Happy Niepy ..... In Bali !

Clic on the link : The roads are empty.

Aujourd'hui 9 Mars, c'est le Nyepi. Calme total à Bali, silence et aucune activité, cest un jour de prière, de recueillement, de méditation, même l'aéroport est fermé ce jour là.

BALI IS CLOSED ............. WOW !!!!!!!

Bali is closed ..... WOW .... Niepy day !!!!

  • The unique day of silence marks the turn of the Saka calendar of western Indian origin, one among the many calendars assimilated by Indonesia’s diverse cultures, and among two jointly used in Bali. The Saka is 78 years behind the Gregorian calendar, and follows a lunar sequence. Nyepi follows after a new moon.
    Village meeting halls known as ‘banjar’ and streets feature papier-mâché effigies called ogoh-ogoh, built throughout the weeks leading up to the Saka New Year. Youth groups design and build their mythical figures with intricately shaped and tied bamboo framework before many layers of artwork. These artistic creations are offshoots of the celebration since its dawning in the early 80s, which stayed on to become an inseparable element in the island-wide celebration that is Nyepi Eve.
    Before ‘the silence’, highlight rituals essentially start three days prior to Nyepi, with colourful processions known as the Melasti pilgrimages. Pilgrims from various village temples all over Bali convey heirlooms on long walks towards the coastlines where elaborate purification ceremonies take place. It is one of the best times to capture on camera the iconic Balinese processions in motion, as parasols, banners and small effigies offer a cultural spectacle.
    Then on Saka New Year’s Eve, it is all blaring noise and merriment. Every Balinese household starts the evening with blessings at the family temple and continues with a ritual called the pengrupukan where each member participates in ‘chasing away’ malevolent forces, known as bhuta kala, from their compounds – hitting pots and pans or any other loud instruments along with a fiery bamboo torch. These ‘spirits’ are later manifested as the ogoh-ogoh to be paraded in the streets. As the street parades ensue, bamboo cannons and occasional firecrackers fill the air with flames and smoke. The Nyepi Eve parade usually starts at around 19:00 local time.
    However on Nyepi Day, complete calm enshrouds the island. The Balinese Hindus follow a ritual called the Catur Brata Penyepian, roughly the ‘Four Nyepi Prohibitions’. These include amati geni or ‘no fire’, amati lelungan or ‘no travel’, amati karya ‘no activity’, and amati lelanguan ‘no entertainment’. Some consider it a time for total relaxation and contemplation, for others, a chance for Mother Nature to ‘reboot’ herself after 364 days of human pestering. No lights are turned on at night – total darkness and seclusion goes along with this new moon island-wide, from 06:00 to 06:00.
    No motor vehicles whatsoever are allowed on the streets, except ambulances and police patrols and emergencies. As a hotel guest, you are confined to your hotel premises, but free to continue to enjoy the hotel facilities as usual. Traditional community watch patrols or pecalang enforce the rules of Nyepi, patrolling the streets by day and night in shifts.
    The day after Nyepi on March 10, head up to the village of Sesetan in southern Denpasar for the omed-omedan also known as the ‘festival of smooches’. This is a much-localized event, pertaining to the lesser Banjar Kaja community of Sesetan. The youths take to the street where water is splashed and sprayed by the surrounding villagers, and the highlight being two sides, boys and girls, in a tug-of-war-like scene with successive pairs in the middle ‘forced’ to smooch at each shove and push.
    Interested in experiencing this rare event and its cultural highlights in Bali? Don't worry if you missed out this year's. Next year’s Saka New Year 1939 falls on March 28, 2017. The following years' Nyepi days are March 17, 2018; March 7, 2019 and March 24, 2020.

After Melatis.... Here The OGOH-Ogoh

Les Ogoh-ogoh ont la forme d'êtres mythologiques, pour la plupart des démons. Lors des préparatifs, les banjar (association communautaire coutumière d'un quartier ou d'un hameau à Bali) rivalisent de créativité fondée sur l'hindouisme balinais, pour concevoir ces monstres géants de papier mâché peint. Selon les enseignements hindous, les Ogoh-ogoh personnifient le Bhuta-Kala, c'est-à-dire la nature et son pouvoir destructif. Le but de ces défilés est de purifier l'environnement naturel de tout polluant spirituel émis par les activités des êtres vivants (surtout celle des humains).

lundi 7 mars 2016

Melasti Zeremonie

Melasti Zeremonie
Melasti Zeremonie ist ein Hindu-religiöse Zeremonie Bhuana Alit (kleine Welt) und Bhuana Agung (das Universum) zu reinigen. Diese Zeremonie wird mit einer Parade geführt, gefolgt von tausenden von Hindu Menschen, indem sie alle Geräte Zeremonien zu bringen und das Symbol der Götter auf das Meer oder anderen Wasserquellen , die von Hindus als Ort angenommen wird, dass alle Elemente dieses Universums zu reinigen. Die üblichen Symbole der Götter zum Meer gebracht sind Keris, Speere, Banner (Umbul-Umbul), Statuen, Barong usw. Diese Prozession eine der einzigartigen Hindu Zeremonien ist, wo die Prozession von Tausenden von Hindus gefolgt wurde, die die Kleidung und andere tragen Zubehör in weiß, die Reinheit anzuzeigen.

Melasti in seminyak beach.... very nice.

Melasti Ceremony

Melasti Ceremony is a Hindu religious ceremony to purify Bhuana Alit (small world) andBhuana Agung (the universe). This ceremony is performed with a parade procession followed by thousand of Hindu people by bringing all the equipment ceremonies and the symbol of gods to the sea or other water sources that are believed by Hindus as a place to purify all the elements of this universe. The usual symbols of gods brought to the sea are Keris, spears, banners (Umbul-umbul), statues, Barong etc. This procession is one of the unique Hindu ceremonies where the procession was followed by thousands of Hindus who wear the clothes and other accessories in white to indicate the purity.

jeudi 3 mars 2016

mardi 1 mars 2016

Villa Celina Bali ... eine Reise nach Ubud

Ubud ist das kulturelle Herz von Bali. Die Hauptstadt der Künste ist geblieben, bis heute, sowohl die Wiege der Traditionen und Erfüllungsort balinesischen kreative Praktiken. Also hier können Sie Leistungen von Wayang Kulit, Theater oder Tanz teilnehmen, entdecken Sie den Reichtum der Geschichte der indonesischen Kunst in den Museen von Ubud und stellen Ihnen die örtliche Handwerk Maler, Bildhauer und Goldschmiede zitiert.

Villa Celina Bali.... un détour sur UBUD/

Un hotel sur Ubud

Très agréable.

Ubud est le cœur culturel de Bali. Cette capitale des arts est restée, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, à la fois le berceau des traditions et le lieu d’épanouissement des pratiques créatives balinaises. C’est donc ici que vous pourrez assister à des représentations de wayang kulit, de théâtre ou de danse, découvrir la richesse de l’histoire de l’art indonésienne dans les nombreux musées d’Ubud et vous initier à l’artisanat local aux cotés des peintres, sculpteurs et orfèvres. 
